Meet Judy
Judy Kennedy is a Sacramento, California native who expresses her artistic creativity through acrylic on canvas paintings and pen and pencil drawings. “I incorporate advice usually given to writers: write what you know for it keeps you honest. I have been creating art for more than forty years painting and drawing from my own experiences and deriving inspiration from things I am passionate about.”
Judy describes how she paints, “I layer my acrylics in thin glazes, color upon color, so they show through each preceding layer giving a deep rich glow to the work. I intensify the colors by making my light and shadow areas high in contrast. I base perspective in reality but push and emphasize objects in the foreground, sometimes using trompe l’oeil effects to invite the viewer into the painting.”
Judy continues, “My small pen and pencil drawings reflect my early career interest of becoming a medical illustrator. I use lines, cross hatching, and stippling reminiscent of those found in etchings. My monochromatic drawings are grounded in realism when portraying the subject with a touch of drama or whimsy added for effect.”
Professional Life
Judy Kennedy divides her time as a professional artist and as a special education teacher for elementary aged-students for a public school district in Sacramento, California. As an artist, she has shown and sold her artwork throughout Northern California.
Judy completed her Studio Arts Major at the University of California. While studying to be a medical illustrator at UC Davis, she found the art department rich in opportunities and studied under such renowned artists Wayne Thiebaud and Robert Arneson. “I focus on capturing a mood in my artwork then express it with light, color, poses, and textures to capture the personality of my subject whether it be food, animals, people, or landscapes. Conjuring up memories and feelings you personally have experienced mixed with an idyllic fantasy of future adventures you may want to explore.” says Kennedy.
While working as a professional local artist she also served as a commissioner for the local arts council. She designed and implemented visual art lessons for K-6th grade students as an Artist in residence for several school sites as well as participated as a teaching artist for Very Special Arts, an organization that promoted the creative power of people with disabilities.
This connection between art and education led Judy to earn her Masters of Science degree in Special Education. She believes her experiences in the arts and education have provided her a unique opportunity to serve students with disabilities. Creating artwork is her passion.
Masters of Science: Special Education Mild/Moderate Disabilities
Bachelor of Arts Degree: Art Studio
Associate of Arts Degree: Business